Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tis the Season...For a family photo!

This is the time of year that family comes together – delicious food, new memories, laughter, games…and the dreaded FAMILY PHOTO! We all groan at the thought of it, but years down the road it will be a treasured snap shot of times past. There is often some forehead smacking at the sight of a hairdo that was once “cool” or a sweater that was real “hip.” We laugh at the faces, the expressions, but the picture that is framed and saved is actually the BEST of a ridiculous amount of photos – and all those other photos really tell the true tale of Family Photo Day! I think with every perfect family shot we should also have a slideshow of the pictures that captured the REAL moments that lead up to that “Everyone Smiling” miracle moment. 

Here is the storyline  to our family photos this year: 

The Paszkowski Clan

The Carroll Clan