Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Take a closer look...

Pre-Note: I wrote this piece over a month ago and just collected the photos to go along with it. My apologies for my long gaps in blogging – the Holiday Season and blog time do not seem to coexist. I will try to be more devoted…but don’t hold your breath – I’m tired!

If we all acted like toddlers…

After observing Francis with somewhat horrified fascination I began to wonder how much more barbaric and inappropriate human interaction would be if we all still behaved like toddlers. There is so much beauty in their honest, untamed behavior and also a somewhat frightening and seemingly always-growing list of “UnacceptableS” that we have to teach out of them or at least somewhat domesticate before we can allow them to mingle (without our looming gaze) with the rest of society. However, in many ways the little folks learn these lessons amongst themselves, teaching each other more efficiently why hitting and biting are “No-No’s” and why sharing is a MUST. The Golden Rule often seems to be most efficiently learned by NOT following in the RULE and seeing how THAT feels. Unfortunate I know- but this proves to be a true fact even for us adults. 

Here’s the visual of what would be normal socialization techniques if we all still acted like we were two:

We simply smack people in the face if they get too close to us or we vigorously shove people out of our way when they have something we think we need. And then when we’re chastised for such behavior we chase our victim around until they allow us to give them an overzealous and somewhat uncomfortable hug!
We might scream in someone’s ear at the top of our lungs if the word, “No!” dares to cross their lips, but we incessantly and almost melodically use the same word –“No!” as our main means of communication. In fact, traipsing in circles around the living room saying the word rhythmically in all different tones is thoroughly entertaining. It is also often used to ward off unwanted gazing; yelling “No!!!” at someone because they’re looking at you too long is perfectly acceptable.  

Also, attempting to bite a bare toe is not disgusting in the least, and attempting to lay on the ground, face first, in a very public, very dirty place is done without a thought!

Hugs quickly escalate into wrestling matches and head butting is not at all out of line if someone embraces you too long.

If there is a food that doesn’t taste “just right” you have every right to spit it directly on the floor or the second option is taking it out of your mouth and chucking it across the room. It’s normal and routine to shove so much food in your mouth that you gag - And gagging yourself with your finger to get a reaction out of a crowd isn’t out of the ordinary either! Feel free to relentlessly repeat the name of the food you most want to eat - saying, "pickle" or "cookie" a thousand times in a row isn't at all obsessive! Speaking of obsessions- acquiring a miniscule piece of gum is equivalent to a grown-up winning a billion $ jackpot! And the word “gum” is the only word in competition with the infamous “No” for 1st prize on vocal usage. 
Sucking on rocks and pennies is normal...

The habit of tugging your pants off when you’re feeling shy might eventually lead to some awkward situations in adulthood. But if we all acted like two year olds there would be a great number of people walking around with no clothes at all.

Feel free to laugh hysterically while staring at a ball and tossing the ball up in the air and having it come down square between your eyes is shocking, painful and yet oddly often repeated.

You may be thinking this is an exaggeration; NORMAL children don’t behave that way. So intense, so insane…Well take a closer look at the mini people in your life – cause they DO! Their miniature stature and cherub cheeks tend to camouflage their barbaric behavior, but it is there nonetheless. Along with unharnessed joy, barefaced love and shameless displays of affection. Toddlers are the essence of genuine – the good, the bad, the ugly. They are beautiful!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tofu DeLight!

This is the best tofu dish I have ever had and if you claim to HATE tofu prepared in ANY way than I challenge you to try this recipe before throwing in the Tofu-Towel. This recipe has been passed along to me by my sister who acquired it from a friend, a good friend at that. Though I’ve always been open to trying tofu I had never been thoroughly convinced that it was actually worth consuming… In fact, when I think of tofu I often think of a dinner out with a dear friend and her husband – Someone at our table had ordered a tofu dish and the curious husband asked to try it. He popped it in his mouth, rolled it around a bit and then announced, “Its good! It tastes like a sponge!”  

And here’s the recipe that put tofu on the map:

1 cube (16 0z) Firm or Extra Firm Tofu
1 cup rice wine vinegar
1 cup soy sauce
½ cup sesame seed oil
4 cloves of garlic (crushed)
Dash of sherry
Just about ½ cup fresh grated ginger root (if you don’t use it all you can freeze it)
2 tbsp sugar (you can use white, brown or both- I usually combine)
1 - 2 tbsp chili garlic sauce (depending on how hot you want it)
Small handful of sesame seeds
Seasonings: Pepper, Onion, Garlic, Ginger Powder (if desired – according to taste) 

First: Cube tofu into bite size pieces (that of course depends on how BIG your mouth is) and boil for ten minutes. 

Second: While tofu is boiling prepare the dressing/sauce/marinade (call it what you will). Combine Rice vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil, crushed garlic, sherry, fresh ginger, sugar and chili garlic sauce. Mix well.

Third: Once tofu is boiled, drain it, transfer it into a bowl and pour the mixture over it so the tofu is completely submerged. Place marinating tofu and refrigerate for at least 30 min. The colder the better I say!

Fourth:  Cook three cups of instant brown rice or regular brown rice. This should still be warm when you serve it. 

Fifth:  Prepare your salad – you can use mixed greens, spinach, romaine… Add celery, carrots (one of my favorites –shredded) and anything else that you think might add to the flavor. However, I warn you – the beauty of this dish is its simplicity combined with the intense flavors in marinade, so KISS (keep it simple stupid – As stated in The Office).

Finally: Lay greens first, a scoop of rice on top and cover it all with the tofu and marinade. I’m a dressing fanatic so I drown my greens and rice! Also, there isn't a picture of the final product because I got excited and ate it before I thought of taking one.  

 As you’ve probably noticed I’m not a big measuring fiend, much to the frustration of many of my precise –measuring friends, hence the “handful” and “just about” statements. So feel free to adjust the recipe- I know I did!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mushroom Alfredo Stuffed Shells

     Mushroom Alfredo Stuffed Shells make an awesome meal because the dish can be premade, refrigerated and then taken out and baked 30 minutes before you eat! It is also easy to double or triple and is a sure shot crowd pleaser. You can even cut the mushrooms and add a different veggie or none at all.  I have made this dish for two people and 30 people, the process doesn’t change much - This recipe will feed three to five people!

You will need:
  • 6 ounces jumbo pasta shells  (1/2 a box)
  • 2 cupsricotta cheese  (1/2 32 ounce container)
  • 1/4 cup parmesan / romano cheese, grated (either or both)
  • 1 cup mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Approximately 8 medium mushrooms and a small onion
  • Small bunch of basil, chopped
  • 15 ounces Alfredo sauce (homemade or jar)
  • Salt, pepper, garlic (salt and fresh), pizza seasoning

Get Started:

1. Boil ½ box of Jumbo Shells
onion, mushroom, basil

2. In a pan melt 1 tbsp. butter and add ½ small onion, 3 cloves of minced garlic and a pinch of fresh basil, salt pepper – sautéed golden and set aside.

3. In separate bowl combine 2 cups ricotta (1/2 of a 32 ounce container), a small bunch of chopped fresh basil, 1 egg, 1 cup shredded mozzarella and ¼ cup shredded parmesan / romano cheese (you can also just use parm alone or with asiago). Add salt, pepper, garlic salt and pizza seasoning - according to taste.

Stuff em'
4. Combine sautéed mushrooms and cheese mix.

5. Preheat oven to 375

6. In a 9 by 9 pan spread ¼ cup Alfredo sauce from a 15 ounce jar.

7. Stuff cheese/ mushroom mix into shells so they are over stuffed and line them in the pan (it is ok if they are overlapping). 

cover em' with sauce
8. Cover shells with sauce –sprinkle top with parmesan / romano and cover with foil.

9. Cook 30 min – then take off foil and turn on broiler until top is golden brown.

10.  Let stand a couple minutes and serve!

If you don’t like Alfredo sauce it can be replaced with red sauce. You can also replace mushrooms with other veggies of your choice. 

eat em'

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Using Picasa for EASY editing

I dabble in photography – far from a professional, but I’ve always enjoyed it! I love capturing “those moment” in life – I also love framing those pictures and excessively displaying them all over my house! My shelves, walls and tables have been completely picturefied  (my own word). A couple years ago I braved up and bought Adobe Photoshop, which I had worked with in college but never mastered. I wanted to become a photo editing master!!! Well I tried to reteach myself – hours spent in front of “How to use Photoshop” videos.  I learned the basics (again) but very quickly I learned that all the layering and advanced editing options were wasted on me because all I wanted to do was make MY photos pop! I wanted a little more color or a little more depth, maybe a little glow or a black and white option. I was picky enough to be unimpressed with the In-Store editing options when I went to print my photos, but not determined enough to be a Photoshop expert. Here is where Picasa came in… Though I’m sure most of you are familiar with this FREE software it organizes and edits digital photos. It is pretty straight forward and does that little bit of editing that really made me happy with my shots.
First: Download the program at www.picasa.com (duh).
Once the program is downloaded it should automatically upload all of your photos into the program (if it doesn’t you can just import your photos by going to Import from option under your File tab, from there you can navigate to where your photos are stored.  
Now that your photos are in the program you can edit them as you wish. Double click on the photo you want to edit and it will take you to the editing options. I generally avoid the Auto Correct options and a lot of the Effects because they can off-balance the natural color in your photo and make your picture look corny.
Take full advantage of the Crop option as well as the Red Eye option. If you do want to use an Effect I would say Warmify, Saturate, B&W, Sepia and Tint are the best ones to use.  

Tint especially can either make a photo have the dramatic B&W effect and it can also leave a bit of color that gives the photo a real vintage look.

Slight color using Tint
Francis 4 months old
B&W using Tint
Francis' feet 3 months old 

I however, usually stick to the Tuning option.
Adjusting the Shadow in your photo (as long as it isn’t already too dark) will add the dimension you might be looking for-

Shadow and Focal B&W Effect
AnnaLee with a Ladybug
Shadow option combined with Highlights can give your picture a dramatic flair-

B&W with Shadow / Highlight
16 months- Disneyland Day
Tint with Shadow / Highlight
Francis 5 months

Adjusting the Color Tuning will often warm up your photo to make it glow –

Color Tuning and Shadow
Matt - Fall 2011
Color Tuning
18 months - Disneyland 

I would suggest that you work enhance the best features of your photo.
If it has vivid colors add a little Shadow for dimension and mess with the Saturation effect.

Saturated with Shadow
Fall '11

Tint B&W with Shadow
Francis and his pal Parker - sharing 
B&W with Shadow
Cousins 2010

If the picture seems to tell a story - B&W will simplify the photo so the viewer can focus more on the subject.

If the picture seems fairytaleish Glow it, if it seems cozy Warmify it, if it seems old fashion use Sepia.

Warmified with Glow
Thanksgiving 2010

Sepia with Highlights and Shadow
Beach Day - 16 months

Side Note: Always apply your Effects before you Tune your photo.
Ex//: Saturate before using the Shadow Tuning.
Don’t stick with the same editing formula for each photo because each photo is different.
Once you have edited to your heart’s content Select the photos you want to export (whether you put them in their own File or simply hold down the ctrl key and click on each one), go to File, then Export photos to folder. Select your folder and they will upload. You are ready to burn a copy of the pictures or directly upload them to a site that prints.
These Picasa Photo Editing tips come from a Non-Expert… But Picasa has allowed me to transform my basic photos into pictures I love. Try it!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Treasured Lessons - Two down, A Million to go!

Motherhood – No one could have warned you, no one could have prepared you… It is full of the most precious and most difficult experiences of your life, and each and every one of these “life-moments” can be attributed that little being you call your offspring. He will bring you to tears of joy and defeat nearly every day. He does not hesitate to push the limits, test your sanity or demand every ounce of your energy. He also requires limitless love and an unearthly amount of patience. When that pregnancy stick showed double lines your life changed – maybe not instantly, but very quickly your life was no longer your own. You couldn’t eat what you wanted, you could drink what you wanted, you couldn’t sleep the way you used to and you certainly peed more than you ever thought possible. Your body was sacrificed, you mind compromised and your life forever altered.   Yet all these changes, all these sacrifices were surrendered without a thought (well maybe a little complaining), but never regretted - Though the loss of eight hours of solid sleep was and will continued to be mourned.   
I am now in the midst of my sophomore year of motherhood and I regularly feel unprepared and too often inept. I stand dumbfounded in the midst of a tantrum (as I’ve previously explained), I sometimes can’t help but laugh at misbehavior or cry when I feel like he’s asking too much of me. I have even wanted to pinch him back when he pinches me (though I don’t), and sometimes when he repeats himself incessantly I cruelly mimic him just to see how HE responds to the annoying behavior.

Yet despite my imperfections and odd mothering techniques I have already learned a couple treasured lessons:

I have learned that it’s better for me to win a battle of wits instead of a battle of wills.
My little "Real Boy"

Example – Francis was Pinocchio for Halloween and the hat completed the ensemble, yet I knew it was unlikely that my 18 month old would consent to the tediously constructed headpiece – So I thought ahead for once. I dressed him, placed the hat on his head and gave him his very own Halloween Lollypop (quite the treat), when he took the hat off I took the lollypop away, put it back on and gave him back his sweet prize. I only had to do it twice, and before I knew it the kid wouldn’t take the hat off. I am not condoning candy giving as a means of coercing your child into good behavior, but in this instance I would have let him have a lolly anyways, so why not get what I wanted out of the deal. 

Let the little guy help.
The Official Pumpkin Mover
Even if his “help” isn’t helpful at all it makes him feel like he is included and useful. I am always surprised by how willing he is to cooperate when I ask him to help mommy instead of shooing him out of my way. I’ve learned to let him carry that pumpkin, even though it’s too heavy and I’ve learned to let him unload the plastic bowls from the dishwasher, even if half of the time they end up in the trashcan then back in the dishwasher. He’s thrilled to “help” and I’m thrilled to avoid a “Pumpkin Please!” fit four times a day or making a chair barricade to keep him out of the kitchen.

Well my mind is drawing a blank…so I guess I have two lessons in just about two years – That doesn’t make me the Mom of the Year!  But it does make him a little happier and therefore my life a little easier! 

And to make this into a discussion board I will ask my few (but loyal) blog followers - What are your jewels of wisdom? I’m obviously in need of a few more...