Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Take a closer look...

Pre-Note: I wrote this piece over a month ago and just collected the photos to go along with it. My apologies for my long gaps in blogging – the Holiday Season and blog time do not seem to coexist. I will try to be more devoted…but don’t hold your breath – I’m tired!

If we all acted like toddlers…

After observing Francis with somewhat horrified fascination I began to wonder how much more barbaric and inappropriate human interaction would be if we all still behaved like toddlers. There is so much beauty in their honest, untamed behavior and also a somewhat frightening and seemingly always-growing list of “UnacceptableS” that we have to teach out of them or at least somewhat domesticate before we can allow them to mingle (without our looming gaze) with the rest of society. However, in many ways the little folks learn these lessons amongst themselves, teaching each other more efficiently why hitting and biting are “No-No’s” and why sharing is a MUST. The Golden Rule often seems to be most efficiently learned by NOT following in the RULE and seeing how THAT feels. Unfortunate I know- but this proves to be a true fact even for us adults. 

Here’s the visual of what would be normal socialization techniques if we all still acted like we were two:

We simply smack people in the face if they get too close to us or we vigorously shove people out of our way when they have something we think we need. And then when we’re chastised for such behavior we chase our victim around until they allow us to give them an overzealous and somewhat uncomfortable hug!
We might scream in someone’s ear at the top of our lungs if the word, “No!” dares to cross their lips, but we incessantly and almost melodically use the same word –“No!” as our main means of communication. In fact, traipsing in circles around the living room saying the word rhythmically in all different tones is thoroughly entertaining. It is also often used to ward off unwanted gazing; yelling “No!!!” at someone because they’re looking at you too long is perfectly acceptable.  

Also, attempting to bite a bare toe is not disgusting in the least, and attempting to lay on the ground, face first, in a very public, very dirty place is done without a thought!

Hugs quickly escalate into wrestling matches and head butting is not at all out of line if someone embraces you too long.

If there is a food that doesn’t taste “just right” you have every right to spit it directly on the floor or the second option is taking it out of your mouth and chucking it across the room. It’s normal and routine to shove so much food in your mouth that you gag - And gagging yourself with your finger to get a reaction out of a crowd isn’t out of the ordinary either! Feel free to relentlessly repeat the name of the food you most want to eat - saying, "pickle" or "cookie" a thousand times in a row isn't at all obsessive! Speaking of obsessions- acquiring a miniscule piece of gum is equivalent to a grown-up winning a billion $ jackpot! And the word “gum” is the only word in competition with the infamous “No” for 1st prize on vocal usage. 
Sucking on rocks and pennies is normal...

The habit of tugging your pants off when you’re feeling shy might eventually lead to some awkward situations in adulthood. But if we all acted like two year olds there would be a great number of people walking around with no clothes at all.

Feel free to laugh hysterically while staring at a ball and tossing the ball up in the air and having it come down square between your eyes is shocking, painful and yet oddly often repeated.

You may be thinking this is an exaggeration; NORMAL children don’t behave that way. So intense, so insane…Well take a closer look at the mini people in your life – cause they DO! Their miniature stature and cherub cheeks tend to camouflage their barbaric behavior, but it is there nonetheless. Along with unharnessed joy, barefaced love and shameless displays of affection. Toddlers are the essence of genuine – the good, the bad, the ugly. They are beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. I love your posts sparratic or not ! You always make me laugh, I get lil pitter patter in my heart and I learn a few things now and then as well ! ! Your writing is amazing. Keep up the good work and don't apologize for being tired. Love ya!
