Thursday, October 6, 2011

A head to fit my Walgreens Find!

Hat of the year - 

Only $7.00 -
     So when my son was born the midwife had some trouble trying to get the little booger out. Hours and hours of pushing, when the start of labor had progressed so nicely...What was going on? We couldn't figure out why this kid wouldn't finish his journey, instead he just hung out in the birth canal. His heart beat steady as a drum while I did everything in my power to GET HIM OUT (we didn't know it was a "He" yet - call us old school). My husband patted me down with cold washcloths and he swears to this day that he could actually see the sweat pop out of my pores every time I pushed (Pretty right?).
We tried tug-a-war with a sheet, standing, squatting, kneeling, frontwards, backwards... All of this without the good ol' epidural (once again - old school)!
Well, when my son finally did make his grand entrance, my husband announced to me with tears in his eyes, "It's a boy!" And so it began...
Back to my point, when they wrapped that measuring tape around his head the nurses chuckled and read off the number, a whopping 15 inches!!! Yikes- And then the endless pushing all made sense!
I swore on that day that this kid better grow up to be a freakin' astronaut with a head that size.
And so we fast-forward 17 months and I, his mother, now get to buy him hats from the GROWN-woman section at Walgreens. And if he looks back one day and asks me why I put such a silly hat atop his noble head, I will say, "Because I pushed that honkin' thing out of me, and I'll dress it as I please!!!"

Side Note: That head might also be wearing that astronauts helmet some day too - who knows!       


  1. Awe! He has a big head just like his Fairy God Mother! Cute post, Pappy! I miss you guys. Give that little monkey a big kiss for me (and not the monkey hat - the cute kid inside the hat).

  2. That gave me chills...but in a good new mom kinda way:) love to hear birthing stories. And yes! With a head like that he most definitely will be something grand!

  3. I would LOVE to find one of those for my baby with a L A R G E head. . . oh you know who she is! I love the picture of sweet Francis!
