Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The magic remedy!

- a remedy to write home about -
Well, well, well, the apple cider vinegar seemed to do the trick! I’ve been sniffing/sneezing free since last night. We’ll see if it withstands the test of time - regardless, I’m grateful for the relief.  Apparently it also remedies sinus infections, acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, acid reflux, sore throats, arthritis, and gout. 
Luckily I’m not suffering from any of these conditions, but if bad luck strikes again I won’t hesitate to gulp the vinegar. I take that back, I won’t be chugging vinegar if I get the flu - and gout sounds pretty serious, I might opt for a doctors visit with that one. My faith in ACV (abbreviation) only goes so far...  


  1. I am going to try this I am in misery ! Do you do it in the morning ? Every morning until the snot goes away ?

  2. I did it at night the first time and in the morning the second day- Mike P says I'm insane cause he tried it and it didn't work - but his loss cause I'm allergy free (knock on wood)!

  3. I must say I am a believer. I not only was relieved of my allergies but the misery of heartburn has subsided since this remedy has become a part of my daily routine!
