Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A little about me...

 “Will you please call me Cordelia?” This is a line from one of my all-time favorite movies, Anne of Green Gables.  It says it all, we all want a little more glamour, excitement, uniqueness  - we all, in one way or another, want to be called Cordelia even though our name might be plain old Anne (with an “e”). But, in life, though we crave the extraordinary, more often than not we will find the truest beauty and our truest happiness in the ordinary. I live a simple life, sometimes excessively, hair-pulling(ly) simple life. I am a wife, a mother, a sister, daughter, friend… I am currently employed by a 2 ½ ft tall, blonde hair, brown eyed boy who (sometimes) answers to the name of Francis. I am paid in hugs and Eskimo kisses when I catch him in the right mood. My son, in the corniest way possible – has made my life complete. My husband and I were friends first, sweethearts later and we were married in the spring of ‘08. We make each other laugh and holler almost daily. He is a silent brooder, I am a dramatic crier and every day I am married to him is happier than the last (and we started out happy). I like to snap photos, mostly of my kid, call it genetic vanity. I love the ocean, excellent and abundant food. I feel true comfort watching old black and white movies and I will, to my dying day, feel true unharnessed rage when people chew ice in my ear!!!
It feels extremely weird to be posting my personal-ness on the big wide internet world, but in the name of progression I will proceed! Blogging = blubbering, boasting, boring…No, brilliance! I hope this proves to be true. 
So here we go…