Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The talents of a man, the visions of a woman…

The Wall Box
Some of those Knick-Knacks
So this post might fall under the “braggy” category of blogging – but because the talents aren’t mine I feel like I can brag away. The Wall Box in the photo was designed and built by my husband, created out of a very vague, very abstract description on my part. You see I tend to be what I like to call a “midnight worrier”- meaning, everything seems hunky-dory (is that the right word?) during the day, but I wake up in the middle of the night and suddenly there is A LOT to worry about. What if the house catches on fire, what if I forgot to lock the door, what if I hurt so-and so’s feelings, what if, what if, what if…

Well one of those what if’s includes, “What if there is an earthquake tonight?" *

* Side Note: This talented husband of mine is a perpetual foot shaker. The first year of our marriage included many nights of frustrated elbowing on my part due to this habit. Now a days I have either grown used to it or Matt (husband) has changed his ways, for the most part. Every once in a while I wake up in a panic, ready to grab the baby and head for a door way because I am sure we are in the midst of a vigorous earthquake – only to realize that the actual culprit is a wiggly-toed man in my bed!!!

Well due to this earthquake fear I had kept a very barren wall above our bed - I don’t want picture frames, mirrors or potted plants falling on my head during an earthquake! So I told Matt I wanted a Wall Box above our bed, but I had stipulations as well… I wanted it SECURELY fastened to the wall, with glass doors and crystal knobs.  You see he has prettified our home with many handcrafted Wall Boxes, but I didn’t want to be pummeled to death by a million antique store knickknacks in my sleep. And so he built it for me - and so I credit myself with the vision!
Of course, once it was made we had to showcase it in the living room and mirrors did end up hanging above our bed – they remain in the top three as one of my greatest “midnight worries.”           

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