Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tonight - Crock Pot Perfection!

Today I had a lot to do, an evening meeting and a husband that I knew would come home starving. So I got creative and made a Crock Pot Chicken Potato Cream Soup. Easy, awesome and the kid ate two full bowls. Simply toss potatoes, carrots, onions and frozen chicken breast in the crock pot with vegetable broth, fresh parsley and SPOG (salt, pepper, onion garlic) . Let it cook (on its own) all day.  About an hour before serving smash up it with a potato masher. In a little pot whisk butter, milk, sour cream, Worcestershire sauce, some cheddar cheese and a little flour until it's all blended smoothly... pour it into the crock pot and TAAADAAA! Garnish with fresh parsley and soy bacon bits if you want to impress the men-folk.
Served with fresh baked bread - Pat on the back for good ol' Patty!  

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